2 papers of IPEG researchers presented at the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2023)!

IPEG researchers Silvanus D’silva and Alireza Zare attended the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2023).
They presented 2 papers at APEC 2023 as the most recent research outcomes of IPEG lab. These papers focused on integration of multiple grid forming inverters and their impacts on the stability and overall performance of a power electronics dominated grid!
Paper 1: Multi-time Scale Synchronization and Adaptive Power Sharing Control Scheme for Grid Forming Inverters in a Power Electronics Dominated Grid Heading link

Abstract – This paper presents a hierarchical multi-time scale synchronization and adaptive power sharing scheme for fleet of grid-forming (GFM) inverters as backbone of upcoming power electronics dominated grids (PEDG). GFM inverters should be capable of dynamically and seamlessly synchronizing as well as islanding from the network, when demanded. Furthermore, the power sharing coordination between these interconnected GFM inverters needs to be dynamically adjusted, in response to the anticipated system reconfigurations. The seamless integration of GFM inverters and the real-time adjustment of droop gains is vital to address the adverse dynamic interactions observed during such PEDG reconfigurations. This paper proposes a control scheme that enables seamless synchronization of GFM inverters and ensures stability in a PEDG. Moreover, a coordination controller (CC) is proposed to dynamically adjust the droop gains for all interconnected GFM inverters based on their generation capacities; thereby maintaining system resiliency and reliable power sharing against load variations. Simulation results obtained from various case studies emulated in MATLAB Simulink environment indicate the controller’s ability to operate efficiently in a dynamically reconfiguring PEDG network.
List of authors: Silvanus D’silva, Muhammad Farooq Umar, Alireza Zare, Mohammad B. Shadmand, Sertac Bayhan and Haitham Abu-Rub
Presenter: Silvanus D’silva
Paper 2: Optimal Ratio of Grid-forming to Grid-following Inverters Towards Resilient Power Electronics Dominated Grids Heading link

Abstract – The modern paradigm of power electronics dominated grid (PEDG) has facilitated integration of grid forming (GFM) and grid following (GFL) inverters in the power systems. Addressing the potential disturbances in the PEDG will demand frequent reconfigurations including dynamic adjustment of these grid-interactive inverters’ power contributions. However, such dynamic adjustments in GFM-GFL inverters’ power contributions may in turn introduce stability issues. The optimal ratio of GFM to GFL inverters in a PEDG has not been well studied in literature with regards to system resiliency and reliable power delivery. This paper provides an analytical approach to determine the optimal ratio of GFM and GFL inverters to minimize their adverse dynamic interactions when subjected to severe disturbances. The main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive dynamic interaction-based analysis for a fleet of GFM and GFL inverters within a grid cluster and investigate the impact of inertia level emulated by these GFM inverters on the PEDG resiliency. The provided analysis is validated via several case studies in large-scale simulation representing a grid cluster with multiple GFM and GFL inverters.
List of authors: Alireza Zare, Silvanus D’silva and Mohammad B. Shadmand
Presenter: Alireza Zare