Brevann Nun successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis!

Brevann Nun, a member of the IPEG research lab successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis!
A summary of his M.Sc. research under Prof. Shadmand's supervision is as follows:
Brevann's thesis proposes a rank-based model predictive controller for use in dynamic microgrids with multiple points of common couplings (MPCCs). The distributed controller assigns adaptive ranks to each voltage source converter (VSC) within a grid cluster that influences a VSC's operating mode and informs synchronization decisions. A topology-mirroring communication layer enables bidirectional data links between neighboring VSC nodes, through which the ranks of nearby VSCs are transmitted. The proposed controller is demonstrated to optimize transient performance in reconfiguring microgrid networks while offering resilient and flexible operation.
The IPEG team congratulates him on finishing this chapter and wishes him all the best in the next step of his career at Raytheon Technologies.