IPEG researcher Amirhosein Gohari Nazari attended the IEEE Power and Energy General Meeting to present his paper in Orlando, FL, USA!

IPEG researcher Amirhosein Gohari Nazari attended the power and energy general meeting in Orlando to present the paper entitled "Optimal synchronization of grid-forming inverters in multiple point of coupling in reconfiguring grid". This paper focuses on restoring a grid with multiple grid-forming inverter after black out or severe contingencies that causes some of the grid-forming inverters to go to islanded operation.
Abstract – Synchronization of network of grid forming inverters (GFMIs) is a major concern in upcoming power grids dominated with distributed generators (DGs). After the blackout or severe contingencies, GFMIs are responsible for restoring the grid. However, synchronizing this high number of GFMIs is intricate and time-consuming. This paper proposes a control scheme to minimize synchronization time of multiple GFMIs based on virtual synchronous generator (VSG) as their primary controller. A network of GFMIs in a feeder is considered as test case. The control loop of GFMIs includes two main modules: (i) a primary controller based on model predictive controlled VSG, and (ii) the proposed optimal synchronization module that determines an optimal angle with which all the GFMIs should be synchronized. The proposed optimal synchronization scheme is compared with state-of-the-art synchronization mechanisms for the network of GFMIs. The proposed scheme is validated via several case studies for a network of GFMIs in a three-phase feeder. Furthermore, the provided case studies and comparison with state-of-the-art approach demonstrate significant improvement in synchronization time of GFMIs.
Authors: Amirhosein Gohari Nazari, Muhammad F. Umar, Mohammad B. Shadmand