IPEG lab research on PEDG and related intelligent power electronics interfaces is highlighted in the dSPACE News Article!

IPEG lab research on power electronics dominated grid (PEDG) and related intelligence power electronics-based interfaces is highlighted in the dSPACE News Article.
The PEDG will be integrated with communication infrastructures and the Internet of Things (IoT) to build a system with bidirectional information and power flows. It introduces new features, including attack resiliency, self-healing, improved power quality, accommodation of generation and storage systems at the point of the load as well as the real-time optimization of the system. The PEDG has everything it takes to support the evolution of electricity markets.
The IPEG lab is working on the implementation of real-world scenarios to investigate the performance of different layers of the PEDG in a granular manner, all the way from the SCADA level down to the single device level. For fast prototyping and implementation purposes, the IPEG lab is using MicroLabBox by dSpace. The team uses a MicroLabBox prototyping unit to control individual power switches on the testbed they designed. The testbed controllers were developed using MATLAB®/Simulink®. Voltage/current measurements from the power components are used. These measurements serve as input to the MicroLabBox, which then acts as the processor driving the control scheme developed in Simulink and providing the logic-level signals to drive the converters. For example, the team used the MicroLabBox to develop smart grid-forming and grid-following inverters to achieve coherence in power-electronics-dominated grids.
To read more on this collaboration between IPEG lab and dSpace, please click here.