IPEG Ph.D. students, Ahmad Khan and Mohsen Hosseinzadehtaher under Prof. Shadmand’s supervision have published an article in the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

Ahmad Khan and Mohsen Hosseinzadehtaher, IPEG Ph.D. students under the supervision of Prof. Shadmand have published an article entitled, "On the Stability of the Power Electronics-Dominated Grid: A New Energy Paradigm" in the prestigious IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine.
Overview: The energy paradigm is making the modern power grid more difficult to study, design, and control. Precisely speaking, the pace of the new energy paradigm involves the high penetration of power electronics systems in the power grid, which becomes a challenge from stability, vulnerability, and power-quality points of views. Therefore, various literature have focused on defining the modern power grid as the power electronics-dominated grid (PEDG).
Link: https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.proxy.cc.uic.edu/document/9300278