Two IPEG researchers’ papers got recognition as highly cited papers in recent issue of IEEE JESTIE.

Muhammad Farooq Umar’s paper entitled “Grid-interactive inverter with Resonance Suppression based on Adaptive Predictive Control in Weak Grid Conditions” is marked as the highly cited article in the Jan 2022 issue of Journal of Emerging and Selected Topic in Industrial Electronics. This work utilizes active damping to develop the predictive control for the stable operation of a single-phase inverter interfaced with weak grid conditions.
Brevann Nun’s paper entitled “Rank-based Predictive control for Community Microgrids with Dynamic Topology and Multiple Points of Common Coupling” published in the Jan 2022 issue of Journal of Emerging and Selected Topic in Industrial Electronics is acknowledged as the highly cited research paper. This work devises the adaptive and dynamic rank-based scheme for the microgrid with multiple points of common couplings.
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